Zoo mesh for building a tiger fence

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Zoo mesh for building a tiger fence

Tigers and forest fierce beasts are large and live in moist, evergreen, dry, open forests. Tigers are naturally good swimmers and are nimble enough to hunt for food in the water. Many films have their wonderful scenes in them. Tigers have very good night vision and are mainly active at dusk or at night. They resemble a giant big cat that uses sight and hearing rather than smell to capture its prey. They are very good at blending in with their surroundings.

Some tips for building a tiger fence

1) If it’s a trench, there needs to be enough land. A top width of 7.5m and a depth of 5m is recommended, including retaining walls.

2) If a tiger needs to be placed in a fence, it is recommended that the fence size be 5m high and fixed to a 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm angle iron post. “Stainless steel wire rope mesh” shall be 50 mm x 50 mm x 3.2 mm in size, with a barbed wire mesh of 0.5 m in length at the top and a horizontal member in the middle of the post, the mesh to be fixed to the inside of the casing.