The truth about the zoo fencing netting

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The truth about the zoo fencing netting

The zoo is a place where animals are collected, scientific research and ex-situ conservation are provided for public viewing and scientific popularization and publicity and protection education. The basic function of the zoo is the comprehensive protection of wildlife and the protection of the public. Many people think that the zoo limits the freedom of animals and does not protect animals. In fact, most zoos take action to make animals and humans closer to better protect animals.

Evidence 1: Reduce extinction
The zoo plays an indelible contribution to the protection of endangered animals. When some animals are on the verge of extinction, the zoo protects them by captivity and reduces its extinction.
Evidence 2: Non-profit
The zoo’s business model is simple. After earning profits through tickets and other tolls, the funds are put into animal protection to provide animals with better housing and living conditions.
Evidence 3: Providing education
The basic function of the zoo is the protection of animals. At the same time, it also provides education for tourists, so that tourists can better understand the posture characteristics and living habits of animals, thus loving animals and protecting animals. Taking children to visit the zoo can stimulate their interest in nature and build awareness of animal protection from an early age.
Evidence 4: Common Protection
The zoo protects endangered animals. When people see so many animals waiting to be saved, they will unconsciously want to protect and care for animals. When people see that there are so many animals to protect, they will do everything possible to protect animals.
Evidence 5: Improving the environment
The excellent zoo will do everything possible to provide the best living environment for the animals. Every effort will be made to restore the original living environment of the animals. First, we must ensure sufficient sunshine and fresh air, so most zoos choose to buy stainless steel wire rope mesh. In this way, protects the animals and allows animals and visitors to interact in a more natural and safe way.

Resource Box: If you want to buy a stainless steel wire rope mesh, this article suggests heremesh