

Stainless steel aviary bird cage netting order completed

Recent orders for stainless steel aviary bird cage netting have been successfully completed and delivered to customers. With the advantages of the mesh material itself, more and more zoos or bird parks are choosing stainless steel zoo mesh as aviary bird cage netting. Users in the choice of aviary netting, usually consider the durability and safety of the netting. The soft and flexible stainless steel zoo mesh has a service life of up to 30 years, which can reduce maintenance costs. Stainless steel zoo mesh is also highly see-through and will not obstruct the view of visitors. The eco-friendly […]
zoo fence mesh

Zoo fence mesh create more animal welfare in zoos

Promoting animal welfare has become a key skill that is highly valued in today’s modern society. This skill involves advocating for the well-being and ethical treatment of animals in different industries and professions. Whether you work directly with animals, understanding and promoting animal welfare is essential. Zoo professionals are increasingly concerned with policy initiatives related to animal welfare. Why animal welfare should be promoted? Promoting animal welfare is important not only for the ethical treatment of animals, but also for the overall well-being of our society. This […]

Stainless steel small bird aviary netting order completed and shipped

Delivery of the small bird aviary netting order was completed today. The order was for safe stainless steel aviary netting for an Australian customer for his small birds. The user contacted us through our website and asked us to recommend a safe and non-toxic aviary mesh for birds. After several discussions with the user, the user finally chose the stainless steel small bird aviary netting. The aperture diameter of 25mm x 25mm for his small birds as his first choice. The stainless steel small bird aviary netting will go through several compression tests before shipping for our users, and the q […]
Application of Sustainable Stainless Steel Wire Rope Net

Application of Sustainable Stainless Steel Wire Rope Net in Innovative Zoo

Buildings are one of the world’s largest consumers of energy. As a result, the concept of sustainable building has emerged, which is seen as a key area of focus for environmental protection and sustainable development. Among them, zoo construction materials are particularly important as the basic building blocks of zoo buildings. It is an important driving force in advancing sustainable development. Zoo experts recommend recyclable stainless steel zoo wire rope net materials. Sustainable materials in zoos can drive architectural innovation, improve environmental friendliness. It can prov […]