
animal enclosure mesh

Zoo Animal Outdoor Enclosure Mesh Order Delivery Completed

Zoo animal outdoor enclosures are important in keeping animals safe while providing them with a natural and stimulating environment. So it is very important to choose a suitable fence building material. This material must be guaranteed to withstand various environmental factors outdoors, as well as the wear and tear caused by animals. Liulin stainless steel wire rope net is a very ideal animal outdoor enclosure mesh. It is a wire mesh specially designed for animal or bird habitat. Provide customers with the best solution This time, the regular zoo contractor from the United States ordered wire […]
The Popular Black Zoo Mesh

The Popular Black Zoo Mesh

There are various types of zoo netting. The color of the animal enclosure net is generally relatively single. The color of zoo animal enclosures or aviary buildings is generally related to the building materials they use. After Liulin Wire Mesh launched a new type of zoo enclosure mesh – stainless steel wire rope net. Also launched a black stainless steel wire rope net. As soon as this black zoo mesh appeared, it was sought after by major zoos all over the world. Black zoo mesh is also known as black stainless steel wire rope netting. It adopts the oxidation method on the basis of the na […]

Stainless Steel Anti-drop Net

Stainless steel anti-drop net is also known as safety net. Its main function is to prevent people or objects from falling and causing injury to people. There are many types of stainless steel anti-drop net, and their performances are also different. Among them, the stainless steel ferrule mesh produced by Liulin Wire Mesh is a very popular anti-drop wire mesh today. The stainless steel ferrule mesh is a kind of wire mesh made of two parallel stainless steel wire ropes passing through the stainless steel ferrule, and then compacted and fixed. This wire mesh has excellent properties. Ferrule mes […]

Bird Aviary Roof Netting Mesh#1638 Order Shipped

Bird Aviary Roof Netting Mesh #1638 order completes shipping today. This customer from Denmark ordered a piece of hand-woven netting of about 120 square meters from us. It is used for the renovation of the roof of the bird aviary. Mesh#1638 is a wire mesh with a rope diameter of 1/16″ (1.6mm) and an aperture diameter of 1.5″x1.5″ (38mm x 38mm). This type of mesh is usually suitable for small and medium-sized birds The building of the house. Liulin Stainless Steel Wire Mesh is a manufacturer specializing in the production of wire mesh for zoo animals and birds. Stainless Steel […]